National Hoarding Conference 2024
What IS Working?
16 May, 2024
This year’s conference is a virtual online platform.
We are hosted an interactive day with a panel including professionals from our multidisciplinary initiative in Gloucestershire.

HoardingUK has led the way on delivering person-centred, time managed, cost-effect therapeutic and practical support programmes for over 16 years.
We hosted an interactive day with a panel including professionals from our multidisciplinary initiative in Gloucestershire.
In April, after a year’s work, Gloucestershire County Council, Fire Service and HoardingUK launched six Gloucestershire support groups (Cirencester, Cheltenham, Forest of Dean, Gloucester, Stroud and Tewskbury). Alongside this, Environmental Health and Housing funded direct support for participant.
Representative teams who have formed the core group within the pilot include Enablement Team, Environmental Health, Fire Service, Guinness Housing and Happy Homes will be sitting on the panel.
For the last year, HoardingUK has worked to train the Enablement Team to deliver the support groups ensuring that they will be sustainable. The Fire Brigade is partnering to fund the groups.
Alongside this Environmental Health has funded practical support which has been integrated with psychological support funded by Guinness.

Paul Barrett (Gloucester Fire Service)
Presently Complex Needs Officer & Safeguarding Co-ordinator.

Dena Boucher (Enablement Team)
Enablement Team have supported thousands of people across the county working with individuals in their homes and community presenting with issues relating to safeguarding, self-neglect, hoarding behaviours, substance abuse, mental health, dementia, and hospital discharges. Over the past few years, the enablement team have been asked to support more and more people with hoarding behaviours.

James Dykes (Housing Standards, Resettlement and Projects Manager)
Qualified Environmental Health Practitioner with over 20 years’ experience of supporting individuals to live, work and socialise in safe environments.

Keeley Fellows (Happy Homes Support)
Created Happy Home Support to support individuals and their families around safer environments especially within their homes. Working with individuals in a person-centred manner, acknowledging that providing support within their home is a personal experience.

Karen (Participant)
Person with lived experience of hoarding behaviour.

Megan Karnes (HoardingUK)
Founder/Chair of UK National charity committed to promoting choice and control for people who hoard as well as to empower systemic change/improvement in support by professionals.

Charlotte Watson (Guinness Partnership)
The Guinness Partnership, founded over 130 years ago, is one of the largest affordable housing and care providers in England. With more than 160,000 customers across the country, living in 70,000 homes, Guinness is committed to improving people’s lives by providing as many high-quality affordable homes as possible, alongside the housing and care services that customers most need.
Open for entry. Event starts at 10am
Welcome and housekeeping
Keynote (Speaker TBC)
Panel Discussion – Putting it Together
- Professional from the programme will discuss how the initiative began, hurdles encountered and how they were overcome.
- This will be followed by questions.
Lunch Break
- Environmental Health, Social Care, Housing, etc, will host interactive discussion groups with attendees to help develop plans within their own services in their specific roles.
Group Feedback
End Conference